
Open Source Software

Hello 👋

I'm Eduardo, the author of Vue RouterVue Router, PiniaPinia, VueFireVueFire and other smaller open source libraries. I have been contributing to the Vue.jsVue.js ecosystem since 2015. My contributions aren't limited to code, they also include helping people on Discord, GitHub, and 𝕏, giving talks around the world, organizing the Vue.js Meetup in ParisVue.js Meetup in Paris, discussing RFCs, and the list goes on.

If you have worked with Vue, you have most definitely used some of my libraries 😄.

Open Source is only a small part of my life, I also work as a freelance consultant, helping companies build better Vue.js applications.

But every day, I wish I could spend more time on my Open Source projects instead of figuring out how to make a living for my family and I and have more time to:

Not every person doing Open Source wants to go full time on it, some people prefer having a stable job and doing Open Source on the side and that's totally fine. But I do want to go full time on it.

I believe it's possible to make a living out of Open Source at the same time I bring more value to the community and the companies using my libraries 🤝.

This is what this page is about: let's help each other with Open Source!

For Companies 🏢

There aren't many companies sponsoring Open Source developers, but there are even less companies not using Open Source.

But why would a company sponsor the Open Source they use?

This is a great question! Here are my top reasons:

  • Sustainability: Sponsoring me allows me to spend less time searching new clients and more time improving the tools you use.
  • Reliability: I have been contributing to the Vue.js ecosystem since 2015. I have a proven track record of maintaining my libraries and helping the community.
  • Exposure: Developers will know your company is supporting the tools they use increasing your brand awareness, odds of hiring, and overall reputation.

On top of that, I can offer you Freelancing services if you fund my work 💰. Even $50 per month goes a long way. Check the options below 👇

  • 🤝 One Time help: - Schedule a call together so I can provide personalized assistance.
  • ❤️ Small sponsorship: Sponsor me on GitHub Sponsors with small amounts like $50. It does not require anything from your side and help me a lot.
  • Recurring help: Let's setup a contract. Similar to GitHub Sponsor but adapted to companies who value good practices and well-maintained code bases:


  • Prioritized issues
  • 1 full day of dedicated consultancy work per month
  • Big logo placement on Vue Router and Pinia docs (>3M impressions)
  • Access to a private Discord
  • My eternal appreciation for your support ❤


You are all-in on Vue and its ecosystem! You want to get a lot exposure in Vue Router and Pinia docs. I will dedicate a full day per month to assist you with in your projects.
Limited spots!


  • Prioritized issues
  • 1 hour of dedicated consultancy work per month
  • Medium logo placement on Vue Router and Pinia docs (>3M impressions)
  • Access to a private Discord
  • My eternal appreciation for your support ❤


You really bet on Vue ecosystem and you could use some expert help in your projects. Prioritize your issues and get help with your projects.
Limited spots!


  • Prioritized issues
  • 45 minutes of dedicated consultancy work per month
  • Logo placement on Vue Router and Pinia docs (>3M impressions)
  • Access to a private Discord
  • My eternal appreciation for your support ❤


You run a business using Vue and other open-source software I contribute to. Let me help you occasionally with your projects.
Limited spots!


  • Logo placement on the readmes of my projects (Includes Vue Router and Pinia)
  • Access to a private Discord
  • My eternal appreciation for your support ❤


You use Vue, you make decent money thanks to it and you want to give back.


  • Access to a private Discord
  • My eternal appreciation for your support ❤


Give back to the Open Source you use and love. Simple and accessible, yet effective.

There is a lot more to say about this topic, here are some articles that go deeper:



What kind of contracts do you work with?

It's usually written and customized by the company I work for. I provide quotes and invoices.

None of the slots work for me, what can I do?

Some time-zones can be challenging for me to cover 😅. Send me a message on 𝕏 or Discord.

Can I book a slot for a team?

Yes, you can book a slot for a team. You can be as many as you want in the call.

Can you issue invoices?

Yes, I have a French company for my freelancing.

What is the timezone you work in?

Paris, France (CET/CEST).

Is it better to sponsor multiple people for less or a single person for more?

It depends on your goal and the amount. For the long term, it's better to sponsor more people for less. In ther short term, it's better to sponsor a single person for more as that would allow them to dedicate more time to Open Source.

Why are tiers different between GitHub Sponsors and this page?

With GitHub Sponsors I have different taxes than when I invoice you directly. For me, it's better if you sponsor through Freelancing (prices in this page).

Can we talk about something else than Vue?

Yes, we can talk about anything you want, it doesn't have to be Vue. It could for example be about JavaScript, TypeScript, or even your career.

What languages do you work in?

I can work in English, French, and Spanish.

If we don't book a slot in a month, do we lose it or do they accumulate for the next month?

They accumulate for one month only. If you don't book a slot in a month, the next month you can book a slot that is twice as long but if you don't, the following month you will only be able to book a slot that is twice as long rather than three times as long.

Why don't you get a full-time job and work on Open Source on the side?

I would if the libraries I created didn't require so much time to maintain. Going full-time on Open Source allows me to give them the attention they need.

What about other means of funding like a course, building a product, or ads?

I have tried all of these, most have failed or haven't been as successful as I would have liked. I will likely build new things in the future again as it's still compatible with sponsorships.

For individuals 🧑‍💻

I make open-source to share patterns I think are efficient and help others, no matter if they make money out of it or not. I have been coding for fun since I was a kid, and I like to share my passion with others. If you are an individual and want to support my work, you can do so by becoming a supporter. Any amount will be greatly appreciated ❤️. The simplest way to do so is by sponsoring me on GitHub.

Can I book a call with you as an individual?

A few years ago I was able to spend a lot of time helping out in issues and forum but as life goes on and resposibilities grow, I have less and less time to do so. Yes, you can book a call as an individual. Though the prices are only targetted to companies so it might be a bit expensive for individuals.

Remember that by sponsoring me, you can prioritize features or bugs that are important to you!

What are you working on right now?

I keep track of what I'm working on by using GitHub projects in the repositories of the libraries I maintain. My current focus are the following libraries:

I also work on other projects that are not listed here. If you want to know more about what I'm working on, you can check my GitHub profile.

Thank you!

posva's sponsors

Thanks to all my sponsors and to you for getting til the bottom of the page!